Login protonvpn
Login protonvpn

Please make sure that you have a valid subscription or upgrade your account. If your subscription ran out, Proton VPN will not connect to the internet.Learn more about locating your Proton VPN password.

login protonvpn

  • Please make sure that you typed your credentials correctly before attempting to connect.
  • The following links have detailed instructions on how to uninstall and install Proton VPN. please uninstall Proton VPN completely and re-install it.
  • Sometimes an operating system takes a wrong turn and slows down a program.
  • If your system time is, for example, set to April, 1st, 2005, an SSL certificate from 2007 will be rejected and the connection will fail.
  • If your system time is not set correctly, you might be unable to log into Proton VPN.
  • For detailed instructions on how to install Proton VPN please visit this article.
  • Make sure Proton VPN is properly installed and that you have granted permission to install the OpenVPN TAP adapter.
  • login protonvpn

    If the problem persists on all servers, please also check your firewall/ antivirus settings. However once in a while a server may still go down unexpectedly. If you have connection problems with a single server or country, it’s quite likely a temporary problem or downtime, e.g. Most of the steps described here can be done without direct support from our support team, but in case you get stuck or don’t know how to handle certain things, we will be there for you. In cases Proton VPN can’t connect, please refer to the following list of solutions.

    Login protonvpn